Saturday, January 16, 2010

No more pain!!!

Well today I have very exciting news to report! Since starting the flagyl and bactrim antibiotics I have seen a drastic change for the positive in my reported symptoms. When I started the meds I was running to the loo 10+ times a day and having accidents at night and the constant pain in my bottom. Just a few days after starting the cycle the pain was noticeably less and I was able to 'hold it' and walk to the bathroom instead of run. At first I didn't want to get my hopes up to high as this slight improvement has in the past only lasted a few days, but everyday I seemed to be feeling better! I continue with the nighttime canasa and this morning finished my last bactrim. I had to stop the flagyl a few days early due to horrible migraines lasting the whole 7 days I was on it. Migraines and the metallic taste, dizziness, insomnia and slight nausea for 7 days while trying to keep up with kids was more then I could take. After calling my GI several times she agreed that I could stop it (flagyl) and continue on with the bactrim until it was gone. I am still praying that the 7 days was long enough to get rid of the bacteria overgrowth!

Thanks to all of you (some complete strangers!) who have supported me and held my hand through all of this trial and error! I know that everyday brings new obstacles but also new joy, for everyday is a gift! Thanks for walking with me and reminding me that I am not alone. I feel that this journey is one that I would not have chosen for myself but that has challenged me and changed me in ways I could have never known. I would hope that if you find yourself in a place of uncertainty at what a colonless life could bring that you would gain a new strength and a little hope in reading my story. My life has been great, and even though I have found myself in a rough spot it is getting a lot smoother. Actually, I LOVE my life and can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

Hey, you know that song 'my eyes don't cry no more', I'm singing it a little different today.~ "My Butt Don't Hurt NO More!!!" Yea, I know dorky! But it don't and I am so darn happy about it!  


1 comment:

  1. You have a very strong spirit Sarah, I'm happy for you.

    I use bactrim too, amazes me with it's stong power. Got it at


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