So yesterday I had the wonderful sigmoidoscopy with a few biopsy's taken for added pleasure. I was thinking that I would brave the whole thing drug-free but decided to see stars at the last minute. The biggest drawback to the conscious sedation for me is that I feel horrible for the next few days. The doctor found inflammation but didn't seem to think it is crohn's so she wanted me to schedule a Hydrogen Breath test to check the level of bacteria in my small intestine. Apparently if the bacteria level is to high it can cause symptoms of IBS and of coarse diarrhea.
This morning I had the breath test at U of M hospital bright and early, 8am. It was not bad at all. Nothing invasive for a change! The only bummer is that it was a 2 hour long ordeal! You check in and someone in a white coat takes you to the treatment room fully equipped with a huge recliner and your very own tiny tv. They ask a bunch of questions and promptly have you blow this bag full of your air. After the first bag they give you a cup of this sugar water mixture. The drink wouldn't be that bad if you had something salty to go with it, but on an empty stomach its gross. ( not as bad as the CT contrast though!!) You need to drink that down within 2 min and then blow in a new bag. They come to you every 15 min after that to have you blow in a new bag.
They take those blown up bags and test for the levels of hydrogen dioxide? and I think sometimes methane. I am not really sure about all the exact details on the test so if you need to know more specifics you can google it. This is just what happened to me this morning.
I look forward to getting all of my results in 5-10 days and I am really excited to start 2010 with no more tests on the horizon!!!
So for the rest of this Christmas break I can concentrate on my kids! This afternoon I am taking the 2 older boys to the indoor skate park and tomorrow snowboarding, while the younger 2 are having a sleepover at my moms! Then Thurs we will all be going rollerskating~how fun!!! I am tired, but the show must go on!
I am so happy to be ending this year with new hope. And a little bit more exciting news, my 1 year anniversary from take down and using my j-pouch is fast approaching! Jan 7 to be exact.....maybe after the anniversary everything will just fall into place.
Oh, and if you don't have anything nice to say~keep it to yourself! Thanks