It sat there looking at me all afternoon. Bumpy and rolled in pure taste bud heaven. It was the biggest one I have seen all season and I could hear it calling for me if I left the room. I couldn't take the mounting pressure to abstain any longer and I grabbed it and shoved it into my mouth with lightning speed as to lessen the chance someone would want me to share. (or maybe wake me to my senses!) At first I was only going to 'taste' it, just a little nibble~ that nibble idea very quickly was thrown to the wind as I devoured my first massive caramel dipped chocolate and toffee rolled apple in almost 3 years!!! Yes, 3 years!!! Last night I took the plunge and ate 1/2 of a raw apple rolled and dipped in pleasure!
That sweet and tangy treat went down smooth, I made sure to chew my food well. But I tell you from this sad, disappointing experience~"LOOKS ARE MANY TIMES DECIEVING!!!" That apple was pure evil and my little 'j' is paying the horrifying price of my moment of madness.
Oh me, oh my am I in pain this morning! To top it off even better I need to bring a stool sample down to the lab and get my hair did this morning! I have no idea how I am going to stay away from the loo that long. This could be even more devastating then I had thought! And I want you to know that it is actually possible to have horrible diarrhea yet not be able to go!?!! If I only knew that the symptoms of UC would still be with me even after my mangled colon and rectum were removed!!!
So in a few hours this episode will pass and I will again dive into the holiday spirit, maybe a little wiser and a lot more cautious.
So for me 'An apple a day' is nothing more then a load of painful crap! I will stick to applesauce~Sarah
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